Brannon Howse: June 1, 2017

Guest: (Part Two) Leo Hohmann: Author of Stealth Invasion. Topic: The fact that trashy, foul-mouthed, disgusting, and debased Kathy Griffin would show a severed head of President Trump reveals what Brannon has been warning about for months. Brannon has warned that the progressives, Marxists, and neo-Marxists in America truly want the destruction of those that do not agree with their worldview. The radical, godless, and un-American left will continue to paint those that disagree with them in such a way that Brannon believes that eventually the harm and even murder of conservatives and Christians will be acceptable and even encouraged. Brannon believes this is one reason the radicals have allowed the Muslims into America–to do their dirty work. Topic: Hijra is the Muslim doctrine that calls for Muslims to infiltrate non-Muslim nations in order to turn them into Muslim nations. Islam teaches that Muslims that do this receive great reward. Topic: Mr. Hohmann provides us with more information about the Islamic centers and Mosques in America. The President of Turkey, Erdogan has said, “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets, and the Muslim faithful our soldiers.” Topic: The American demographics are not good for our national survival. An estimated 1 in 3 adults are grandparents and men and women ages 45 to 54 are dying at alarming rates due to drugs, alcohol, and suicide. Americans are not having enough children due to abortion while the Muslims are multiplying. Topic: The bottom line is that Americans must take responsibility for their own safety and security. Most police departments are not prepared and most law enforcement will not be there in time to save you or protect you but to simply roll out the yellow tape and take the reports. Are you, your family, your church, and school prepared? 

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