Brannon Howse: June 19, 2018

Guest: Dr. Andy Woods. Topic: Ask Dr. Woods. Questions. 1. Have we all been lied to by NASA science into thinking that the earth goes around the sun? Joshua 10:12-14 says the sun stood still. And all scripture is God inspired and God cannot lie. So, if God says the earth stood still then it’s the earth. But HE said the sun stood still and so it must be the sun. So my question is who’s right: man who has been trying to disprove that there is God or is the Bible and God’s word right? Does the sun go around the earth today? 2. I was listening to the program and a man asked why it says that a name would be blotted out of the book of life. I had heard preachers say there was the book of life and the lamb’s book of life but I have never found in the Bible where it talks about both being separate. I came to the conclusion there is one book of life because in Psalm 139:16 it says “and in thy book all my members were written” and I took that to mean that upon conception all life is written in the book of life and that salvation determines whether or not a name is blotted out. Could you help me with this? 3. Mark 16:15 speaking of the Great Commission says, “And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” What does He mean by "creature"? Should I preach to my dog? 4. Concerning the witch of Endor story (1 Sam. 28), my question is, was that really Samuel who came up? Some denominations claim that it was a demon posing as Samuel that Saul saw, however, the Bible is clear that it was Samuel that Saul was talking to, otherwise wouldn't the Bible say, "it was a demon, but Saul thought it was Samuel"? 5. In Revelation 7:8, it talks about 12,000 from each tribe of Israel, but one of the tribes is the tribe of Joseph. How can there be 12,000 from the tribe of Joseph if there is no tribe of Joseph? Where will those people come from? 6. You have talked a lot on your show about Salvific issues and non-salvific issues, as well as essential and non-essential issues.  How do you know which one is which? Who decides what is an essential or a non-essential issue? 7. My church is having a vote to allow women to serve as Elders. Below are their justifications. 8 A. We believe that women as elders is a non-essential issue. B. The Bible does not speak clearly about how a local church should be governed. C. What happened or was preached on in the early church was descriptive but not prescriptive for all churches for all time. D.There are two types of texts in the Bible: Ideal texts and culturally-bound texts. E. Godly women using their leadership gifts have had a huge impact on our church. F. We feel that our current practice makes no sense to the secular culture we are trying to reach. My question(s): Are any of these reasons persuasive and should I think about finding a new church?

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