Brannon Howse: June 21, 2016

Are Neo-evangelicals backing Biblically conservatives Christians into a corner on purpose? Neo-evangelicals are redefining what it means to be loving and to treat people with respect and as a result Biblical Christians are being cast as hateful by holding to Biblical standards. Hear the audio of the pastor from First Baptist Church of Orlando trying to justify the ecumenical and unbiblical prayer service last week that included a leader for LGBTQ agenda and a so-called pastor calling the LGBTQ community the chief corner stone. Hear the audio as Brannon explains how he believes neo-evangelicals are setting up Biblical Christians for hate crimes and prosecution. Topic: Brannon talks about the difference between being kind to people and endorsing their sinful life style and behavior. Christians should be respectful and kind but the term respectful is being redefined to mean you must accept and value the lifestyle and behavior of people. Topic: Loving has also been redefined by neo-evangelicals while they do the most unloving thing one can do and that is withhold or distort the gospel from those that are lost. Topic: We take your calls. 

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