Brannon Howse: June 23, 2017

Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Dr. DeYoung listens to the recording of Muslim Imam Yasir Qadhi declaring that the Jews in Israel are not really Jewish. Dr. DeYoung refutes this with hard evidence. Perhaps the best evidence is that the Muslims in the Mideast want the Jews dead. Why would they want to murder the Israeli Jews if they are not real Jews? Topic: Dr. DeYoung ads new information to the founding of the Muslim Brotherhood and their part in the holocaust and their work that continues till this day. Topic: Millions of Iranians chanted death to Israel today, Al-Quds Day, all over Iran. Topic:  Russia and Iran warn the United States not to enter Syrian air space, or prepare to be shot down. What is the Biblical significance of this? 

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