Brannon Howse: June 24, 2015

Part Two: You must hear the audio clips from today. President Obama is fundamentally transforming America, as he promised, but he is doing so with the help of republicans through an international agreement that is being called ObamaTrade. Today, Rob Congdon joins us for part two to reveal the total five steps Jean Monnet proposed for a global supra-authority government. America is implementing all five of these steps, as you will come to understand in this program, and the TPP is part of the five-step plan. Topic: Many people are confused because Ted Cruz voted against the TPP despite spending months defending it on radio, his website, and an op-ed. Brannon explains how he believes Cruz is acting like a typical politician by turning against the TPP in the final hours after doing the heavy lifting for it to pass. Now Cruz is able to run around saying he voted against it after doing radio saying Sessions and people like Phyllis Schlafly and others were wrong about what they were saying about TPP. Hear audio clips today of Cruz aggressively defending the TPP and being critical of Senator Sessions. Who do you trust more– Cruz or Sessions? Topic: From one audio clip you will hear, it sounds as if Cruz did not read the entire TPP legislation. Topic: Remember, TPP impacts immigration and it was Cruz himself, that you will hear from an audio, who was pushing for legislation that would have doubled legal immigration at a time when Americans were hurting for jobs. Cruz also wanted to increase high-skilled temporary worker visas (H-1B visas) five-fold. Again, good luck getting a high paying job when immigrants have them or the wages have been suppressed due to supply and demand. Just who is Cruz working for–big business or the worker in Texas? Cruz is not an outsider; study his history as well as that of his wife. Perhaps Vladimir Lenin had it right when he said, “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." When will Americans wake up and realize that most of their so-called political conservatives and saviors are working for the interest of special interest and not their best interest? The TPP will do all the things Senator Sessions has warned us about, despite the contrarian political spin of Cruz. Topic: We take your calls.

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