Brannon Howse: June 25, 2015

Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for this episode of Ask Dr. John. Here are the questions you asked and Dr. John answered. Question: If the 12 apostles had power to heal, did this include Judas? Does the Bible include a record of Judas performing a healing? Question: Why were seven of each clean animal taken on the ark (Gen. 7:2)? Question: Please explain Matthew 11:12. Question: My question has to do with when people die. I was wondering about soul sleep (which I do not believe in) and “to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord” (2 Cor. 5:8). Can you elaborate on both of these views and defend the Biblical one for us? Question: Who gives birth to children in the millennium? Is it tribulation saints only or tribulation saints and raptured saints that return with Jesus? Can glorified bodies procreate? Question: If God created everything, He must have created Satan, who was an angel. If so, how did Satan become evil? Did God create evil before Adam and Eve and on which day? Question: I personally believe that the Bible teaches that Christ died for all, not just the elect. Am I wrong ? Can you help me to better understand 2 Corinthians 5:14 in its proper context? Question: In light of recent ungodly decisions being made by our government, how should we approach our celebration of Independence Day this year?

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