Brannon Howse: June 26, 2015

Topic: The U.S. Supreme Court ruled today that same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states. The religious right is shouting that now God is going to judge America. Watch for this and when you see a religious right leader say this it should cause you to understand they do not understand the Bible. Same-Sex marriage will not bring the judgement of God but it is the judgement of God. Romans 1 makes it clear that rejecting God causes God to give over a nation in judgement and proof of that judgement is that the nation will embrace homosexuality, paganism, vain and useless thinking, violent and debased thinking and living, and corruption at all levels of leadership that includes knowingly rejecting the righteous judgements of God. Topic: While much of the religious right is beating their chest and claiming that the liberals and homosexuals are to blame for God judging America they might want to read 2 Corinthians 6:14-17 and realize that one reason God is no longer blessing America is partly their fault for violating the Scriptural command to not be involved in spiritual enterprises with false teachers. Much of the religious right has and continues to promote and partner with false teachers that blaspheme God. Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins us to respond the U.S. Supreme Court ruling as well as these topics: Israel rejects United Nations Report of War Crimes committed by the Israeli Defense Force in the Gaza War. Topic: A recent poll finds massive drop in Israeli approval of Obama and his Middle East policy. Topic: Islamic State enforces Ramadan fast by crucifying two children. Topic: Islamic Sheik said the end of Israel could happen within 6 months.

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