Brannon Howse: June 29, 2013

Brannon plays a portion of the keynote presentation by Mike Abendroth from the Branson 2016 Worldview Weekend. Mike spoke on Biblical Masculinity, Feminism, & The Canary in the Cultural Coal-mine. Before playing a portion of this presentation Brannon continued on his topic from yesterday on why so many Americans and evangelicals are no longer people who can think with reason, logic, and context. Brannon wonders if feminism has caused the American father and grandfather of today not to offer his sound insight on major issues of the day as the father and grandfather of past generations did while sitting at the head of the dinner table. Many families no longer have meals together because of broken homes and schedules that are too scheduled with activities. The dinner table is one place that men would often teach their children and grandchildren as they talked about the activities of the day or the current news. How has feminism silenced many such conversations? Topic: When we opened up our phone lines we heard from one frustrated Christian father about how his wife and daughter often take the side of the modern-day feminists when he tries to explain the truth of an issues from a Biblical Worldview. 

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