Brannon Howse: June 29, 2015

Topic: Obama White House paints the house of the people in rainbow colored lights to celebrate the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage. Brannon explains that he believes Obama and Valerie Jarrett are acting like well-trained community organizers that are seeking to poke a stick in the eye of conservatives in order to agitate to the point of conflict. Painting the White House in rainbow colors was surely done for one reason and that is to agitate. Brannon looks at the four communist steps for revolution that former KGB officer Mr. Yuri Bezmenov explained in 1985. These four steps are going on now and include demoralize, destabilize, chaos, and then normalize the new laws and government. The goal by the progressives is to incite lawlessness by the opposition by agitation in order to justify more laws that will further shackle freedoms. Sadly, most so called conservatives are too poorly educated and seriously lacking in discernment to understand they are being played and most will respond with hyperbolic rhetoric to stir up their base that will play right into the hands of the progressives. Topic: Where are the Christian statesmen instructing the true church how to respond to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling for the cause of Christ and the gospel? Instead we seem stuck with hyperbolic, theologically shallow, cartoon like characters that scream ridiculous and impossible phrases such as you will hear from Todd Starnes of Fox News. Starnes wants people to pray for God to send swarms of hornets to clear the field of persecution and to send lightning Bugs and bumble bees. . Yes, he really is saying this. You have to hear this and ask yourself if this is how Adrian Rogers, Dr. D. James Kennedy, Bruce Dunn, Vance Havner, or Donald Barnhouse would talk if they were with us today. The answer is no they would not and the fact that so called evangelicalism gives credibility to someone like Todd Starnes perhaps reveals how much God has truly turned over America and modern-day evangelicalism. Topic: Brannon looks to the Bible and explains how Starnes and others should be speaking to the issues of our day while avoiding playing right into the hands of the progressives. Topic: We take your calls.

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