Brannon Howse: June 30, 2016

Topic: James Dobson now tells us who it is that supposedly shared the gospel with Donald Trump. Dobson says it was Word of Faith false teacher that supposedly led Donald Trump to Christ. What does this really tell us about James Dobson and his theology that he actually thinks prosperity gospel advocate Paula White actually knows the gospel? Is Dobson so clueless that he does not realize that the Jesus of the Word of Faith is a false Christ and if someone is following a false Christ then they also have a false gospel? Therefore, why does Dobson think Paula White could actually explain a Biblical gospel to Donald Trump? Dobson says Trump has accepted Christ. Why do evangelicals talk like Trump just accepted a friend request from Jesus on Facebook? Where is the description of one that has exhibited a godly sorrow that produces repentance unto salvation?

Topic Two: The FBI has failed to alert people that were on ISIS hit list here in America.  Close to two weeks ago Brannon called two FBI offices to ask if he or his broadcast partner Usama Dakdok were on this list since both of them have worked together producing an international television program exposing Islam and ISIS. Brannon was told that even if he were they could not tell him. In addition they told him if they thought he was at risk they would call him. How can we trust the FBI to judge who is at risk when they interviewed the Orlando terrorist twice and did not deem him to be a risk to the lives of Americans? Topic: We take your calls.

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