Brannon Howse: June 5, 2018

Guest: Andy Woods joins us for another episode of "Ask Dr. Woods." Question: Dr. Woods responds to the audio of Al Mohler apologizing and saying he has repented for believing sexual orientation was a matter of free will or choice. Question: Based on your teaching that there are three types of Christians, (the baby Christian, the carnal Christian, and the committed Christian), is a young man who was brought up in a church – who I believe professed faith in Christ as a teenager – a true believer if after college he chooses to stop going to church and live in an adulterous relationship with his unbelieving girlfriend? Question: A year ago my friend lost her husband of almost 60 years. Just recently she said that she talks to him and believes that he is right there with her. She’s a very dedicated Christian. What do you think of this? Topic: Matthew 10:33 says, "But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven." Therefore, is a Christian damned to hell if they deny Christ by mouth to avoid being martyred for their faith? If so, how can anyone be assured of salvation? It's easy for Christians in America to proclaim Christ because of the lack of hard persecution. But what about Christians living in territories controlled by ISIS or other terrorist groups that perform extremely brutal executions? It's hard to know how you'd react in such a situation. Question: During the millennial reign of Christ, Revelation 20 seems to say that the only ones who will be reigning with Him are those who were alive during the seven-year tribulation. Have I misinterpreted these verses, or is there another place in the Bible where this is explained? Will all the elect be saved before the Rapture or will some not be saved until the tribulation? If a person is not "elect" can they be saved? How does such a person come to Christ since Jesus says that "none comes to Him except the Father draw him?" Does the Father draw the un-elect?


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