Brannon Howse: March 11, 2016

Topic: The Drudge Report reveals what Brannon predicted months ago would occur and that was that the mainstream media would finally unveil the weird and wacky Word of Faith and New Apostolic Reformation connections to Ted Cruz and his father Rafael. These video clips have now gone viral on secular websites and social media. In this program Brannon explains that this makes him very sad because now true Christians have to work extra hard to explain to nonbelievers that Biblical Christianity is not represented by the Word of Faith and NAR. Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins us to cover these topics: Vice-President Biden visits Israel as Obama and Netanyahu continue their fight. Topic: Hezbollah prepares for the biggest war ever with Israel. Topic: Saudi Arabia is arming the Syrian rebels to push back on Russia. Topic: Prime Minister Netanyahu tells the Romanian president that Israel is protecting Europe from the Middle East radicals as they at the same time live in a very tough neighborhood protecting the Jewish state. Topic: We take you calls.

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