Brannon Howse: March 15, 2016

Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for this installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: If God knows our future why do we need to pray, except that it is a commandment? Question: If a person claims to be a Christian, but shows no fruit of the Spirit to the point you doubt that persons conversion how do you go about bringing the subject up with that person? Question: If God is sovereign, why does He need ministering angels? How can angels be hindered (cf. Dan. 10:13)? Question: Since God is holy, how can Satan stand before God accusing the saints? Question: When did the disciples become saved? Question: Does the New Covenant apply to the church, or only to Israel? Question: Does Hebrews 8:10-11 mean that millennial saints will no longer have a sin nature? Question: Was the stone removed from the entrance of the tomb to enable the Lord Jesus to get out?   John 20:1 Question: How should a church go about looking for a new pastor? Question: Please discuss theology regarding the process of death.  What happens when we die?

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