Brannon Howse: March 15, 2017

Guest: Mike Gendron. Topic: Al Mohler, Carl Trueman, Russell Moore and the church of Matt Chandler (Via Twitter) are promoting or endorsing a book by Rod Dreher calledThe Benedict Option. This book calls people of all faiths to look to Catholic Monk, St. Benedict of Nursia, a sixth-century monk, as an example of how to respond to a collapsing culture. Sadly, Dreher is a former Catholic who turned to Eastern Orthodoxy, which is much like the Catholic Church. Dreher is a big promoter of Catholicism, the Desert Fathers, and Contemplative Prayer. Brannon explains that he thinks that Dreher is really promoting ecumenicalism, mysticism, and community that is so appealing to the post-Christian culture Dreher is bemoaning in his book. Dreher seems to promote spiritual experience over the actual study of the Word of God in context. Brannon has yet to find one article in which Dreher describes the Biblical gospel, but he does promote contemplative prayer, the rosary, the Catholic mystic Desert Fathers, along with other Catholic figures, and praises people practicing the Catholic Mass. So why are men like Al Mohler, Carl Trueman, Russell Moore and others promoting this book by Rod Dreher? Why are so many people that claim to be reformed in their theology not seeing the dangers of this book by Dreher? Could it be that many of these men are educated beyond their discernment, or do they really not understand the warnings of Paul in Acts 20:29-30 or how the Counter-Reformation works? Topic: We take your calls. 

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