Brannon Howse: March 15, 2018

Part 5: All the simpletons and ignorant who claim that there is no connection between vaccines and autism will be proven wrong in this program. Hear the audio of a Center for Disease Control whistle blower as he admits that the CDC knew and hid the data that reveals a connection between the vaccines and autism. Topic: Hear from a prosecutor in Texas who says that after looking at the evidence on the connection between autism and vaccines he would be willing to take it to trial. Topic: We take your calls that include a father who describes how his happy child changed after a round of vaccines and became upset and angry and has stayed this way to this day at age 14. This father’s call is exactly why Brannon started this series. Many parents are struggling with this generation of young people and they cannot figure out why this generation has so many emotional, behavioral, and educational issues. While vaccines are NOT the source of all issues, many parents are not aware that perhaps their child has been damaged by vaccines and this could be the source of the struggles with their child.



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