Brannon Howse: March 17, 2017

Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: NBC news reports what WVW-TV & Radio has been claiming for months, that the critical infrastructure of America is at threat from cyber hacking. Brannon connects this story to the latest report that North Korea is threatening merciless attacks against America for our participation in drills in South Korea. Topic: President of Turkey threatens to send 15,000 Muslim immigrants a month into the European Union. Topic: 40% of Americans don't know if we can beat ISIS. Brannon is starting to wonder if they are not correct when our national security teams cannot even keep the White House safe after it comes out that a recent intruder was on White House grounds for 16 minutes before being discovered. Add this to the fact we have generals engaging in sex parties with prostitutes and the troops involved in one sex scandal after another. Are these the consequences of a nation filled with Romans 1:21 people? Topic: Russia digs its tentacles deeper into the Middle East. Topic: Palestinian issue puts the Jordanian Israeli peace agreement on ice. Topic: Iran has set up underground rocket factories in Lebanon to supply Hezbollah with arms. 

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