Brannon Howse: March 19, 2018

Part 6 of 6: This is the final program in this series that has been dedicated to helping parents understand the potential sources of struggles they face with their young people. In this final program in this series Brannon plays clips by Dr. Stephanie Seneff. Dr. Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. For over three decades, her research interests have always been at the intersection of biology and computation – developing a computational model for the human auditory system, understanding human language so as to develop algorithms and systems for human computer interactions, as well as applying natural language processing (NLP) techniques to gene predictions. How might Roundup and other such chemicals in our food source impact childhood behavior and autism? Topic: What impact does pot have on the mind of a young teen as their brain is developing? How might these contribute to their behavior, depression, and anger issues? Topic: We take your calls.

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