Brannon Howse: March 20, 2018

Topic: When Bible teachers give credibility to neo-evangelicals and neo-Calvinists pushing socialism, then don’t be shocked when the church becomes impotent in stopping socialism that leads to the end of religious freedom, parental authority, economic freedom and the end of freedom of conscience. Topic: A local government in Wisconsin is looking at a law that would make it illegal for parents to have a pastor or Christian counselor work with their child to lead a young person under the age of 18 away from the homosexual or transgender lifestyle. Topic: A law in California would mandate that non-profit, religious, pro-life organizations promote abortion. Such freedom-robbing and godless policies are the direct result of socialism and the destruction of a constitutional republic. Sadly, many well known neo-evangelicals and neo-calvinists are promoting socialism through masking terms such as White Privilege, Black Lives Matter, social justice, and "reweaving a community." Topic: Tim Keller, in his book Generous Justice, calls for the redistribution of wealth through "reweaving a community." Keller openly calls for socialism. Yet a well-known Bible teacher will share the platform with Keller at a conference for ministers of music in September of 2018. This same Bible teacher will share the platform with John Piper and Matt Chandler at Together For the Gospel in Kentucky in April of 2018. This conference should really be called 'Together For the Social Gospel' since many of its promoters promote the social gospel. Topic: A nationally known Bible teacher who is sharing the platform with Piper, Chandler, and Keller is apparently more worried about people sharing the platform with clear-minded charismatics than he is simple-minded socialists. Yet, in the case of this pastor, he is doing both since Chandler and Piper are promoting both. Topic: We take your calls.

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