Brannon Howse: March 22, 2018

Exposing the Liberalism of Neo-Calvinist Al Mohler. Topic: Apparently some of the biggest names in Christianity are either not that informed or discerning when it comes to Al Mohler. Could it be this is another example of how leading evangelicals are willing to condemn Rick Warren, but when it comes to their friends doing the same things, they get a pass because of pragmatism? Topic: Al Mohler is the President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kentucky and a fixture on the platform of many conferences including conferences for pastors. But is Mohler really a consistent conservative or a guy who speaks out of both sides of his mouth? Topic: Brannon explains why Mohler should be labeled a neo-Calvinist. Topic: Al Mohler is personally promoting The Commonweal Project that is an initiative of his SBTS. On their website they state, “Southern students have a unique opportunity to attend Acton University.” Acton University is a project of the Acton Institute. Acton Institute is led by Robert Sirico, a Catholic Priest. It was reported in The Seattle Times, May 11th, 1972, that Sirico had come out as a homosexual. The 1972, Seattle Times also reported that Sirico was going to perform a homosexual marriage. Topic: Several years ago, Brannon did an entire program on the social justice, communitarian, third way ideology of Acton Institute. Brannon plays a promo video by Acton Institute that is promoting their conference on all of the positive contributions that Jesuits have made to the world. It was, in fact, a Jesuit who coined the phrase, 'social justice.' Topic: Al Mohler has promoted a book by Richard Florida in one of his columns. Richard Florida has worked with the pro-LGTBQ group, Human Rights Campaign. Richard Florida calls for cities to pass laws that are pro-LGTBQ so that the best and brightest can feel good about moving to such cities and joining a creative class. Why is Mohler writing an article praising Richard Florida? Topic: In 2015, the Associated Press reported that Al Mohler was being critical of reparative therapy. Many cities, such as Milwaukee, are working on legislation that could penalize and even prosecute pastors, parents, and Christian counselors for seeking to counsel children under the age of 18 against a homosexual or transgender lifestyle. Topic: We take your calls.

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