Brannon Howse: March 23, 2016

Topic: Hear the audio clip of Al Mohler lecturing Christians that have or might vote for Donald Trump to be a magistrate within civil government. This is really odd because it is Mohler that has endorsed and promoted theologically troubled compromisers like Ronnie Floyd and Russell Moore within evangelicalism. Is an unsaved politician becoming President more dangerous than doctrinally errant men influencing perhaps million of people in the name of Christianity? Brannon is not defending Donald Trump but simply pointing out how silly and even Biblically dangerous it is for Mohler to be bothered by Trump while he seems comfortable with self-described Christian men that are compromising the gospel in high offices within the Southern Baptist Convention. Does it make any sense that Albert Mohler is bothered by a potential President Donald Trump while he nominated a seriously theologically trouble Ronnie Floyd to be President of the Southern Baptist Convention? Topic: Brannon believes Mohler should follow the advice of the Apostle Paul when he declared: For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? But those who are outside God judges. Therefore put away from yourselves the evil person.Topic: Brannon explain why he believes Al Mohler needs stop declaring that evangelicals are not showing discernment by backing Trump until he starts showing discernment by not backing theologically errant men. Instead of being so exercised about a politician Mohler should publicly denounce Floyd and Moore and their theological compromise as well as denounce his own proclamation last year that the Church of Rome is filled with millions of Christians. Instead of denouncing evangelical voters Mohler should denounce the apostasy of the Southern Baptist Convention and Lifeway, a division of the SBC. Albert Mohler and others can complain about the state of evangelicalism but Brannon believes the state of evangelicalism is largely where it is because of men like Mohler backing men like Floyd and Moore that have certainly confused evangelicals on vital theological issues. When Christian leaders compromise they really do not have the credibility to whine about the perceived compromise of the sheep. Topic: We take your calls.

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