Brannon Howse: March 26, 2018

Topic: Part 2: Exposing the liberal worldview of Al Mohler of The [Social] Gospel Coalition and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Topic: Al Mohler condemns Trump voters while he promotes liberals. Topic: Al Mohler condemns crude talk of Trump while bringing crude rapper that uses N-Word and B-Word and word for male genitalia in his rap songs to his conference for middle school and high school kids. Topic: Al Mohler says libertarianism is ideology and a contrary to the gospel and then turns around and works with the libertarian Acton Institute and encourages his seminary students to go to their training. The Acton Institute is run by a Catholic Priest that came out in the 1970s as a homosexual. Topic: Brannon explains how Neo-Marxism is a live and well and growing among evangelical organizations that were once conservative. This Neo-Marxism is hiding under such masking terms as social justice, reweaving a community, human flourishing, and White Privilege.

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