Brannon Howse: March 27, 2020

Guest:  Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Jesuit trained Dr. Fauci. Dr. Fauci has boasted openly of how his thinking was formed and influenced by the Jesuits. Is Fauci part of the medial deep state and part of that Jesuit and globalist movement that former Jesuit Malachi Martin warned us about? Topic: An update on the Digital Dollar. Topic: Some of the inflated Coronavirus death rates came from the liberal Imperial college of London that works with the United Nations, the Fabian Socialists Society, and promotes sustainable development. Topic: Hear the audio of Dr. Deborah Birx of the White House Coronavirus Task for refuting the numbers of Imperial College of London. Topic: U.S. Attorney General Indicts Maduro, the President of Venezuela. This is is very interesting timing as China and Russia are in Venezuela. If America goes to war with China over the Coronavirus would it begin in Venezuela?Topic: Brannon recommends one his favorite movies during the Coronavirus shut down. Brannon talks about watch the Bridge on the River Kwai. Topic: The formation of an Israeli government is very close as political leaders say no to a fourth election. Topic: Wars in the Middle East continue even as the coronavirus pandemic intensifies. Topic: The Palestinian leaders say that the Israelis are trying to implement the Trump Peace Plan during the coronavirus crisis. Topic: Nine hundred Jews this month immigrate to Israel even in this terrible time of the coronavirus crisis.

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