Brannon Howse: March 28, 2019

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A Biblical Response to Unlawful Government (Part 3) Sadly, many pastors in America are twisting Romans 13 and teaching their congregations to roll over and not resist an overthrow of our form of government by revolutionaries such as the Islamists and Marxists. Topic: One pastor has written: “Notice that the apostle, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, gives this command without qualifications or conditions. We are to obey every civil authority, no matter how immoral, cruel, ungodly, or incompetent he or she might be.” This same pastor has written: “Without exception, the power any leader, political party, or agency wields is delegated and circumscribed by God. Therefore, it only makes sense biblically that we ought to obey the government because its one and only source is God.” 


Brannon explains why these statements are not true biblically or according to America’s Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution or the majority of our state constitutions. Topic: The Declaration of Independence is the foundation for our U.S. Constitution and it declares: “Governments are instituted among men.” Is this a true statement Biblically? If men create a government, can they not alter, abolish and re-establish that which they created? Topic: The Declaration of Independence declares: “That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is THEIR DUTY, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security…” 


Pastors that teach this perverted and unbiblical view of Romans 13 are actually teaching the divine right of kings whether they know it or not. In addition, many of the pastors teaching the required blind obedience to civil magistrates teach this same kind of cult-like power for themselves as pastors. Thus, many s0-called pastors that teach this perverted view of Romans 13 concerning civil government are in reality shoring up their own self-serving position as the head of their local church government. 


Topic: We take your calls including one from a long time listener that seeks to challenge what Brannon is teaching in today’s show. Listen how Brannon and the caller discuss the topic and how Brannon brings the topic back to Scripture, and law versus feelings and opinions.

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