Brannon Howse: March 6, 2017

Topic: Was President Obama using KGB tactics and methods to wiretap Presidential candidate Donald Trump? Hear audio by Mark Levin, former Chief of Staff for Attorney General Ed Meese, as he lays out the case that Obama was wiretapping Donald Trump. Topic: How is the deep state or shadow government working to not only bring down Donald Trump but destroy America? Brannon explains that the current battle taking place between Trump and the shadow government is not politics but a worldview war. Brannon explains the ideas that each group is representing and how the winner of this war will determine whether America will be free or controlled by a small group of elite that hate capitalism and Christianity. Topic: Hear the audio of former Attorney General Loretta Lynch calling for what some say sounds like blood and riots in the streets. Topic: Hear the audio of a retired 4 star Admiral as he reports that Muslim Brotherhood agents have infiltrated every American national security agency. Topic: Hear some of the fake news reported by the mainstream media. Topic: Did President Trump just call bluff on all the liberals and their lies that he was working with the Russians to take the White House? Hear the audio from this past Sunday in which the former Director of National Security is forced to admit they had no information these fake news stories are true. Topic: We take your calls. 

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