Brannon Howse: March 7, 2019

Guests: Cliff Kincaid & Peter LaBarbera. Topic: CPAC had homosexual activist Brandon Straka speak and then Mark Levin interviewed him for an hour on his Fox News Program. Brandon is being praised as a conservative. Brannon, Cliff and Peter discuss why this is so dangerous. Topic: In his speech before CPAC, Straka praises the US Supreme Court decision on homosexual marriage. This is now what is conservative? How do we know this is not a set up for conservatives. Topic: Straka bemoaned the liberalism of the left while asking the right to become more liberal in our acceptance of his out and proud lifestyle and defense of gay marriage. So in other words, the Democrats are too liberal, but the right needs to become just a little more liberal by openly embracing Brandon as a new spokesperson for "conservatism?" How is redefining sexuality, family, and marriage conservative? If the Marxists win on these three issues, then they win the whole battle since family is the incubator for passing on the true conservative values of our constitutional republic. Our constitutional republic is based on the rule of God according to the leading scholar of the founding father,s Mr. William Blackstone. God has ruled on homosexuality and on homosexual marriage. Thus, when conservatives embrace Brandon as a "conservative" and give him an endorsed platform to young college students, what message are we sending? We are saying that God is wrong on homosexuality and homosexual marriage. Well if God is wrong in this area, then maybe God was wrong about thou shall not steal. If that is the case, then there goes the entire free market system. This is a very dangerous move by CPAC and Mark Levin. Topic: We take your calls.

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