Brannon Howse: March 9, 2018

Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Brannon explains that after studying many of the sermons by Dr. Martin Luther King he does not find the Biblical gospel but an open endorsement of the social gospel by name. In addition King was influenced by Fabian Socialist and the father of the social gopspel movement Walter Rauschenbusch. Brannon reads some of the sermon descriptions and speeches of Martin Luther King that includes his September 30, 1962 sermon to his church entitled: Can A Christian Be a Communist. From the Archival Description:  [quote] “While insisting that "no Christian can be a communist," King calls on his congregation to consider communism "a necessary corrective for a Christianity that has been all too passive and a democracy that has been all too inert.” King also admonishes individuals unwilling to commit to social justice: “If you haven’t discovered something that you will die for, you aren’t fit to live.” [end quote] Topic: In May of 1965 Martin Luther King accepted Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Margaret Sanger Award even though Sanger worked with a Nazi doctors on eugenics and openly called for legalization of abortion and was an avowed racists that called people of color, immigrants and the poor  ‘weeds” that needed to be eradicated. In 1926, Sanger spoke at a Ku Klux Klan rally in 1926 in Silver Lake, New Jersey. If King was so concerned about human rights, human dignity, and racism why would he receive this award? Topic: Jimmy DeYoung discusses these topics: Prime Minister Netanyahu meets President Trump at the White House to discuss major issues in the Middle East. Topic: Turkish President Erdogan is calling for the organization of Islamic States to form an army of Islam to attack Israel. Topic: Saudi Arabia's Crowned Prince says Turkey is a part of a triangle of evil. Topic: We take calls including one from a man that thinks Brannon has been wrong to be critical of Martin Luther King Jr. Brannon listens to the man’s concerns and then asked him very specific questions for which the man had no answers and therefore changed the subject. Each time the man had no answer to the factual questions he just turned to attack Brannon. Brannon uses this caller to demonstrate how to calmly and politely refute and expose emotional people that want to comply with political correctness by being factually incorrect.

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