Brannon Howse: May 10, 2018

Topic: Evangelical Cultural Marxists are apparently using character assassination to take out older pastors who have opposed the mainstreaming of homosexuality, feminism, and liberation theology. These men were also known for their defense of the inerrancy of the Word of God. Perhaps the take-down of Patterson is also about giving a warning to anyone else who seeks to publicly oppose the Cultural Marxist take over of the Southern Baptist Convention that is the largest Protestant denomination/association in America. (Though Brannon does not agree with Patterson on everything and has called him out in previous programs for various issues, he still uses him as an example and warning of what will eventually spread to more and more conservatives who dare go against Cultural Marxists and their liberal agenda.) In 1979, Paige Patterson, along with Adrian Rogers, fought to wrestle the Southern Baptist Convention away from progressives, that included those who attacked the inerrancy of Scripture, promoted feminism, and proclaimed the mixture of Marxism with Christianity [liberation theology]. A few years ago, Patterson opposed Cultural Marxist mouth piece and social justice warrior David Platt as President of the International Mission Board. Now I guess it is payback time. Patterson, who is now 75 years old, is President of an SBC seminary in Forth Worth, Texas. Today’s Cultural Marxists, who are trying to mainstream liberation theology, feminism and homosexuality today, are now apparently looking to take down the remaining old guard that is still alive so they have no opposition to their returning the SBC to liberalism. Topic: Brannon plays the audio clips of the so-called controversial comments by Patterson that are being used to take him down. Topic: Brannon plays audio clips of two of Patterson’s biggest critics such as pro-Islamic interfaith dialogue proponent and liberal Ed Stetzer and Jonathan Merritt, who admitted to a homosexual relationship in 2012, according to Topic: Brannon warns that this take down of conservatives has been tried in the secular world against men like Sean Hannity and will now become commonplace within evangelicalism when anyone opposes the Cultural Marxists. Topic: We take your calls.

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