Brannon Howse: May 20, 2019

Topic: The ISMS of the Coming Holocaust (Part 3). We have examined anti-semitism and nationalism and today Brannon examines the ism of socialism. What is the difference between socialism, communism and Marxism? What are the masking terms used today for socialism? Topic: Socialism will steal your property and then it will steal your life. Brannon uses the example of human trash and communist, Nelson Mandela to prove this point. The leaders of South Africa got 'stuck on stupid' and instead of making an example of Mandela and publicly hanging him for the terrorist he was, they chose to let him out of prison and it led to Mandela becoming President of South Africa. The folks in South Africa made the fatal mistake of compromising and trying to find a co-existence with communism. Today, socialism in South Africa has led to not only stealing the farms of white land owners, but also the murder of white, Christian, capitalists farmers and leaving a Bible on their body after torturing them for days. Topic: Brannon discusses his 1995 book, Reclaiming a Nation At Risk in which he warned that the Chinese model of the ‘dangan' would come to America. Brannon talks about his speech before the 1,200 citizens at the Hamilton County School Board meeting in March of 1996 and how what he predicted has and is coming to pass despite the ridicule by the cultural Marxists in the Chattanooga Free Press. Topic: The Jews in Germany had a red J put on their identification cards so they might be identified, marginalized, terrorized and then exterminated. Brannon explains how the new national I.D. card being rolled out in America and around the world is part of Agenda 2030 and will lead to the persecution of Christians and conservatives, and then a global mark to buy or sell. This system will be used to shut out conservatives and those who trust in God as the religious reich of Revelation 17 & 18 becomes a reality built on the three legged stool of government, business and religion. Topic: We take your calls.

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