Brannon Howse: May 22, 2018

Guest: Dr. Andy Woods joins us for another installment of Ask Dr. Woods. Question: I have always believed once saved always saved. A true conversion from sin to salvation can't lose their salvation. BUT I was studying the book of Revelation and came across a verse that has me confused.  PLEASE explain....The letter to the church of Sardis. Chapter 3 verse 5 says He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; AND I WILL NOT BLOT OUT HIS NAME OUT OF THE BOOK OF LIFE, BUT I WILL CONFESS HIS NAME BEFORE MY FATHER, AND BEFORE HIS ANGELS. Question: Can you explain why many social gospel promoters use Micah 6:8?  Are they using verse out of context? Question: In Jude vs.9 what were Michael and Satan arguing over Moses's body about? Could Satan have possibly wanted some of his DNA to create an anti-Christ or possibly some other diabolical reason? Question: Regarding Israel burning weapons for 7 years: Do you think it's possible that there is some time between the Rapture and the start of the tribulation when the Antichrist signs the peace agreement? If they start burning weapons at the start of the 7 year tribulation, they would have to carry these weapons into Petra when they hide and continue burning them. If Magog invades between the Rapture and the peace agreement, would the fall of these "Islamic/Pagan" Nations allow for a power vacuum for the Antichrist to step in? Question: I was rereading Ezekiel 38 and 39 and I just can't get past the part where the scripture says that Israel will be living in unwalled villages and in safety during this time. I know that they are not at this moment and I am trying to see how this all fits together for what is happening now. And I noticed in Ezekiel 39 that the scripture talks about 7 months of burying the dead and taking the plunder from the Gog and Magog war and making sacrifices. I am confused by this, does this happen after Jesus second coming or before? And do you think that Damascus will be destroyed before the Gog and Magog war? Just trying to get a clearer picture about the end times events because I believe it may be happening now. Question: Is tithing just an Old Testament requirement? I have heard different preachers say tithing was for the Old Testament Jews. I know pastors have used Old Testament scriptures to support tithing. Does that open the door for someone to day they want to import some Old Testament culture into church family? Topic: We take your calls. 

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