Brannon Howse: May 24, 2016

Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for another installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: Please explain Zechariah 6:13. How could anyone be a priest as well as a king? Question: Did the Apostle Paul establish a church while he was in Athens (Acts 17)? Question: How do we know that the church will be raptured before the great tribulation? Question: Do all people born during the millennium, who believe in Christ, live to the end of the millennium? Question: Does Daniel 12 refer to the same times as Mathew 24? Question: What is the relationship of church-age believers to the Law of Moses? Question: Could you please explain what the gospel really is? Question: What do you think of the seventh day Sabbath (Saturday)? Why did the church move it to Sunday? Question: How can we tell which fossils were formed by Noah's flood rather than local floods over the centuries? Question: How can I study the book of Revelation?

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