Brannon Howse: May 24, 2018

The Truth about the Vietnam War (Part 2 of 2) Guest: Captain Udell Meyers U.S Marine (Retired). Topic: Do you know the truth about the Vietnam War or what the communists in the media and the communists who have influenced the history books, movies, and documentaries want you to know? Stanislav Lunev was a Soviet GRU (military intelligence) agent who defected to the United States in March of 1992. In his book, Through the Eyes of the Enemy,he reports that the USSR spent over a billion dollars in America carrying out an information operation to turn the hearts and minds of Americans against supporting the Vietnam war and defeating the communists. Today, Vietnam veteran, Udell Meyers, lays out the truth of why we were in Vietnam and how even today we are still facing consequences from losing that war. Topic: Hear the audio clips from April of 1971 as a young John Kerry lied about the American soldiers and played a role in the information operation against America and our troops. Then hear audio from CBS and Morley Safer and his false report on Cam Ne. The propaganda report by Safer was very damaging to the troops and America. Captain Udell Meyers reveals the truth about what happened in the village of Cam Ne. In part two we will hear about the severe injuries Captain Meyers sustained and how he returned a few years later to drop gospel tracts from a helicopter.

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