Brannon Howse: May 31, 2016

Guest: Justin Peters. Topic: Jude 6 says that certain demons are bound in everlasting chains. What is the Greek word used for everlasting and does it really mean everlasting? Topic: Justin Peters has just returned from preaching in India. Justin reports that the Word of Faith theology has ensnared many people as this false teaching is exported from America all around the world through networks such as TBN. Justin was scheduled to be a guest on the program and an hour before the program it was discovered that the co-founder of TBN, Jan Crouch had passed away on this same day. Brannon and Justin endeavor to be respectful in handling this topic but yet they do not shy away from asking some vital questions. Why did some of the teachers on TBN that claim they can heal not heal Jan? How can TBN teach it is always the will of God to be healed and then see that their own co-founder was not healed? Why should Christians not believe the so-called Christian press that is writing about Jan as though she and her network represented the true Gospel? Topic: Justin shares some moving testimonies from ministering to Christians in India.

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