Brannon Howse: May 7, 2018

Topic: Well known evangelical leaders show no concern at all that they spoke at a conference in which a book was promoted from the conference platform and sold in the conference bookstore that denied original sin and promoted a false gospel. Not only did conference speaker David Platt promote and recommend the book Divided by Faith at the Together For the [Cultural Marxist] Gospel conference, but the book was also promoted in a column by conference speaker Mark Dever. Topic: Mark Dever praises and recommends the heretical book, Divided by Faith. Dever is the leader of an organization called "Nine Marks.” Apparently, Dever promotes the "Nine Marks" of a healthy church. Sadly, Dever is guilty of the following nine marks of a bad pastor that disqualify him as a elder/pastor or Christian writer to be followed or trusted: 1. A pastor who praises and recommends a book that denies original sin and thus undermines the gospel. 2. A pastor who praises and recommends a book that defends the social gospel. 3. A pastor who praises and recommends a book that portrays premillennialists as racists. 4. A pastor who praises and recommends a book written by a co-author who has written a book praising Liberation Theology [Marxism mixed with Christianity]. 5. A pastor who works with liberal and Islamic "useful idiot" Russell Moore, who helped to found the George Soros funded Evangelical Immigration Round Table. 6. A pastor who sits on the council of the Neo-Marxist-promoting Gospel Coalition. 7. A pastor who uses his website to promote mystics like Dallas Willard. 8. A pastor who promotes and works with Neo-Calvinists. 9. A pastor who has no Biblical discernment so as not to be involved in 1-8. Topic: We take your calls.




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