Brannon Howse: May 9, 2016

Topic: Could it be that the globalist leaders of the republican and democratic parties actually want a Trump Presidency? Brannon explains how for many years he has wondered how the republicans and democrats would come to an agreement as to who would be in the White House when the U.S. dollar dies and America is forever changed. Could it be that with the leaders of both parties rejecting Donald Trump that they are positioning Trump to be the fall guy and thus protect themselves from the consequences and extremely unpopular decisions a President would have to make during such a crisis? While Brannon is not saying this is what will occur, he is suggesting that we be aware of how the globalists play the game to their advantage. Topic: Wall Street tested digital cash. How does this impact you and how is this setting the stage for a cashless society and global, world currency? Topic: Are banks eager to end cash in order to prevent a run on the banks? Topic: Could capital controls being put in place by the central planners be for the very purpose of creating a bank crisis? Hear from callers as they explain how their bank questioned them on their desire to withdraw cash. One caller describes how his mother was not allowed to take out $800 from her own bank account. Brannon explains how such stories are becoming common place and could cause Americans to respond in a way that would justify a cashless system to stop bank runs. Topic: Brannon explains why Donald Trump is right this time when he declares that Russell Moore is a terrible representative of evangelicals. Topic: We take your calls.

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