Brannon Howse: November 1, 2017

Guest: John Guandolo and Shahram Hadian. Topic: Former FBI agent and counter-terrorism expert John Guandolo joins us to talk about the ISIS terrorist that ran over and killed 8 Americans and injured many more in New York on October 31, 2017. Topic: FBI interviewed the terrorist in 2015 for terrorist ties but found no reason to open a case on him. Once again another terrorist the FBI was aware of before he killed Americans. John explains why this stupidity continues to happen. Topic: NYPD moonier the Jihadi’s mosque until Linda Sarsour connived them to stop. Remember Linda that is was praised by Yasir Qadhi and Qadhi who was praised by James White in their interfaith dialogue? Topic: Former muslim Shahram Hadian describes why he holds neo-evangelicals and evangelicals responsible for the Americans being killed in America by terrorists. Topic: Hadian has warned many times that groups like Evangelical Immigration Round Table would aide in bringing more fighting age Islamic men to America that would kill Americans. Topic: We take lots of your calls.

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