Brannon Howse: November 10, 2016

Topic: The Rebels Are Rising. Hear the audio of admitted communist Van Jones on CNN declaring that the rebels are rising. Van was referring to the thugs and brats that took to the streets to interrupt traffic and damage property in response to the election of Donald Trump. Brannon explains the worldview behind the groups agitating these protests and where it might lead. Are we going to see a repeat of the 1960s protesters? Some of the folks leading or encouraging these protestors have connections to the former Weather Underground terrorists. Topic: The liberals are now saying that Trump needs to reach out to his enemies and find common ground with them. Trump was not elected to compromise on national security, illegal immigration, and civil unrest, and abolishing Obamacare. Thus there is no common ground to be found with the radicals because they would not be happy unless he embraces socialism. Topic: Brannon plays an audio clip of President Obama declaring that Trump accepted the endorsement of a KKK leader was acting in an unconstitutional manner. Such talk has aided in laying the foundation for the street rioting now occurring 24 hours after the election results. 

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