Brannon Howse: November 11, 2016

Topic: One day before this program Brannon warned that the rioters might attack critical infrastructure and the very next day we now have video of protestors going after a utility box. Brannon reads from an FBI & Missouri national guard report he found that warns of these groups attacking the power-grid last year. Topic: Brannon reveals that one of the groups behind the anti-Trump riots that are taking place in numerous cities is the group ANSWER Coalition. Brannon will tell you about Ramsey Clark that founded the group. Just as Brannon has predicted for years the Marxist and Muslims are working together to try and destroy America from within. Listen and Brannon details how Ramsey Clark has deep ties to both the Marxists and Muslims on an international basis. Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Joins us to discuss these topics: Why a Trump Presidency could mean the Muslim terrorist are going to turn from a more soft Jihad in America to a hard Jihad. Topic: Reaction to election of Donald Trump from Israel and many Middle Eastern leaders. Topic: Iran's policy will not be swayed by Trump presidency because they have other options. Topic:  IS inMosul have slaughtered hundreds and have a stockpile of chemical weapons in fight for Mosul. 

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