Brannon Howse: November 14, 2016

Topic: In the last few days a Muslim from Pakistan was arrested for trespassing into what is supposed to be a protected area at a Chicago area water treatment plant. He had a back pack with him. He was released with a notice to appear in court and has since disappeared. Today Brannon reveals several FBI warnings concerning terrorists wanting to strike or attempting to strike our water treatment plants. Topic: Muslim terrorists infiltrating law enforcement. Did you know the Muslims that stabbed or lashed 10 people in a mall this year in St. Cloud, Minnesota was wearing a security uniform? Did you know the Muslim that killed 49 people at the bar in Orlando had been let go from a job as a prison guard and ended up at G4s Secure Solutions USA, Inc according to numerous reports? Family Security Matters reports that G4S provides security guards and other security services for 90 percent of U.S. nuclear facilities. Topic: One story leads to another and Brannon details how terrorists are looking to work inside the nuclear power plants inside America. Topic: We take your calls including from a caller that says he is a former Marine and then went on to work in the security field. The caller shares how bad he believes the security screening is for many such security jobs. Topic: Brannon will pick up this topic on Wednesday since Tuesday is our next visit with Dr. John Whitcomb. 

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