Brannon Howse: November 17, 2016

Topic: Several law enforcement agencies including the FBI have been infiltrated with Muslims connected to terrorist organizations. Muslims connected to CAIR are being allowed to be police officers, sheriff deputies and even FBI agents. Brannon gives specific facts and details to back up these reports. Topic: While Americans need to respect and appreciate our law enforcement and military when they act within the law, Brannon wonders if conservative Americans have fallen into a trap by preaching an almost "worship" of police and military that are never to be resisted? Brannon explains how for a few years he has been concerned that the Marxists and Muslims would infiltrate the military and law enforcement and use the tendencies of conservatives to comply with such uniformed men as a Trojan Horse. Brannon explains that a uniform and badge is just a costume if the person wearing the uniform violates their sworn oath to the Constitution and rejects the moral law as the basis for being a magistrate that rewards the righteous and punishes the wicked as described in Romans 13. He then explains how conservatives had better start teaching this fact because resisting a Muslim Mafia terrorist that is wearing a uniform and violating their oath is not only acceptable by a Constitutional duty but from a Biblical perspective of self-defense. Topic: Brannon plays more news reports detailing the threat against our nuclear power plants. Topic: We take your calls. 

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