Brannon Howse: November 18, 2016

Exposing the Worldview of George Soros & the organizations he supports. Part One. One of the organizations that numerous news outlets report that Soros has financially supported is La Raza. La Raza means the race. Closely tied to La Raza is MECHa which can only be described as a separatist organization that promotes the idea of cleansing California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Oregon and parts of Washington state of non-Chicanos. According to Human events, one of their slogans is: For The Race everything. Outside The Race, Nothing. Topic: Leaked e-mails reveal that apparently Soros wants the immigration crisis to lead to a new normal that includes open borders. Soros gave millions of dollars to either the Hillary Clinton campaign or political actions committees working for her election. Could this be one reason Hillary was calling for a hemisphere with open borders? Topic: The Washington Times reveals that Soros backed 11 liberal prosecutors for public office and won 9 out of 11 races. What could such victories mean for conservatives and Christians? Topic: The Dailycaller is reporting that Soros is starting a legal organization to challenge the new Trump Administration at every turn. Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins us to cover these topics: Israeli Ambassador meets with President-elect Trump and gets assurances of good Israeli-US relations. Topic: Israeli’s are very pleased with what may-well-be the Trump agenda in the Middle East. Topic: Russian President Vladimir Putin has prayed at the Western Wall for the Jewish Temple to be rebuilt and the Sanhedrin calls for Trump and Putin to be Cyrus-like and rebuild the Temple. Topic: What the Middle East terrorist are thinking about the Trump presidency.

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