Brannon Howse: November 23, 2016

Topic: Some Americans seem to think that the threats to America are not real. President-Elect Donald Trump has just released a 2 minute and 38 second video clip that highlights the agenda of his first 100 days in office. The threat of terrorism and cyber hacking and attacks are so real and so serious that President Elect Donald Trump took time in his short video address to specifically mention that one of the first objectives of his new Administration would be to focus more attention to protecting America’s infrastructure from a cyber attack. Topic: President Obama has decreased arial surveillance of the Mexico-American border but why? It appears as though President Obama is encouraging illegals to come into America in his final weeks as President but why? Sadly, it is not just immigrants that are coming into America but terrorists. Hear the audio of Dr. Sebastian Gorka,describing how known ISIS members and terrorists are coming over the border into America. Listen as Dr. Sebastian details how 124 ISIS members have been arrested in numerous states. Topic: Last week Brannon predicted that Muslim terrorists would attack America during the Trump administration in order to challenge him, distract him, and to turn people against him. Brannon also predicted such attacks would be used by the liberals to try and blame Trump and undermine him. Well, it is already happening. Brannon plays a just released news clip in which one media outlet predicts that Muslims will attack America to see if Trump can be angered and provoked into a response. Topic: We take your calls. 

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