Brannon Howse: October 10, 2017

The Troubling Theology & Worldview of John Piper (Part 2). In part two, we continue to show the progressive liberalism of John Piper on social issues such as BLM and people owning guns to defend themselves and families. Then we move into his theological liberalism and look at his promotion of Christian hedonism. What is Christian hedonism? You will hear Piper in his own words declare that you must be a Christian hedonist or you are not a Christian. Then we will look at John’s belief that Christians are not to keep the law today. Is Piper a promoter of antinomianism? Brannon breaks down this word in laymen terms and plays numerous audio clips that reveal this is indeed the theology of Piper. In Part 3 we will look at Piper’s unbiblical definition of sin and what appears to be a very man-centered gospel.

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