Brannon Howse: October 19, 2016

Topic: Hillary Clinton is reported to have told bankers she wants open borders and dreams of a hemispheric common market. How does her dream fit with Bible prophecy as well as with the worldview of Cecil Rhodes and the Rhodes Scholarship program of which her husband was a recipient? Topic: Hillary reveals in her speeches that she is not into out right socialism but really communitarianism. Brannon wrote about the globalist commitment to communitarianism in his book Grave Influence in 2009 and the recent speech by Hillary confirms his analysis. Topic: Brannon told you the Trump rallies were being infiltrated by Saul Alinsky agitators and now the new undercover video reveals that to be true. Topic: What is the connection between George Soros and Smartmatic, a U.K. based voting technology firm that has oversight related to voting machines in 16 U.S. states? Topic: Reuters reports that the federal government is looking to track and re-educate potential extremists through a program run by educators and psychologists. What does this mean for Christian students and how does this fit with what Brannon wrote about in the early 1990s as well as in his 2009 book Grave Influence? Topic: Many years ago Brannon began to point out the theological problems with certain individuals and where their theology would take their worldview, actions, values, and beliefs. Brannon received a ton of criticism for what he predicted about Rob Bell, Rick Warren, major church denominations, the religious right, Tim Keller, and others. Yet, today what he predicted and is documented in his radio programs, books, and television programs have come true. How can you understand the trends and philosophies people will embrace before they even do so? Topic: We take your calls. 

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