Brannon Howse: October 19, 2017

Topic: Why Secondary Issues Are Essential. Description: An increasing number of compromising evangelical leaders who are embracing social justice, white privilege, dominion theology, replacement theology and other liberal philosophies are declaring that we must have unity on the essentials without being divisive on the non-essentials. Is this an erroneous message that seeks to shut down critics and label them as divisive for opposing unbiblical philosophies and liberalism? The division is actually coming from the ones with bad doctrine, and not those pointing it out as the Bible calls us to do. Topic: If all Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be throughly equipped for every good work, then are there really any Biblical instructions that are NOT essential? Brannon explains what are the essential doctrines one must believe to be saved and to be orthodox. Yet, Brannon also explains there are many non-salvific issues that are essential to having Biblical theology and a Biblical worldview. The qualifications for elders are essential if we are to have Biblical New Testament churches. The rejection of replacement theology is essential if we are to have a correct view of the mission and purpose of the church and the understanding of Scripture in context. The rejection of false apostles and false prophets is essential if we are to avoid heresy and a false gospel and protect the flock of God. The rejection of open theism is essential if we are to have a correct and Biblical theology about God. Get out your Bible and join Brannon as we understand that there are essentials for salvation, but there are also essentials for Godly living and maintaining and proclaiming Biblical truth. Learn why it is essential that you reject the lie that only certain scriptures are essential while others are secondary, optional, or less authoritative as the Word of God. Topic: We take your calls.

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