Brannon Howse: October 23, 2017

Topic: A Biblical look at the depravity of man. Description: Sadly some Christians and theologians have developed their own man-made definition of depravity instead of relying on the Biblical description and definition. Some teach that man is so depraved that they are dead like a rock and cannot hear the truth of the gospel and neither do they have the general revelation of the moral law convicting their conscience. Such teaching leads many to not bother with sharing the gospel with someone because they believe it would be like talking to a rock. Today Brannon will take us to lots of scripture so that we might understand the Biblical definition of man’s depravity, that salvation is a gift from God, and that man has a responsibility to proclaim the gospel to all, knowing that it is a sovereign God that draws men unto Himself for salvation. Brannon once again urges us to have balance in our theology and not to become so focused on man-made ideas that we reject the clear teaching of the Word of God.

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