Brannon Howse: October 5, 2015

Topic: Hear the audio of false teachers Kenneth Copeland and Paula White praying over Donald Trump along with David Jeremiah. Robert Jeffress is also standing in the room next to Trump. What are Jeremiah and Jeffress thinking to be in a room praying with Paula White, the Copelands and some of the other Word of Faith false teachers? What is the apparent common denominator between them all? Could it be TBN? Topic: Brannon plays the prayers of the folks and then stops the recording to comment along the way on the theology being expressed along with the flat out silliness. 

Topic: Much of the religious right and many evangelical leaders are constantly talking about losing freedoms, censorship, and Christian persecution. Yet, what about evangelical leaders and religious right leaders that use their influence in an attempt to silence true Biblical broadcasters or Biblical authors? How can the rebel rousing religious right complain about how the world acts toward them when many of them appear to be just as hostile to Biblical ministries as they claim the liberals are to them? Topic: Russell Moore is reported to have declared that Trump meeting with prosperity preachers is outreach to heretics. Yet, Russell Moore is the one that went to speak at the Vatican and now his speech will be included in a book with that of Rick Warren, Pope Francis, & a major leader of the LDS church. So why is Moore so worried about trump reaching out to heretics? Topic: We take your calls.

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