Brannon Howse: September 14, 2017

Understanding The Harsh Words of Jesus (Part 1) Description: Sadly modern-day Christianity has promoted the unbiblical idea that when it comes to false teaching, false teachers, a false gospel, and those that support such, Christians are not to speak harsh words. In this first program we will examine the words of Jesus in Matthew 23:27. What did Jesus mean when he said the Pharisees were like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full dead people’s bones and all uncleanness? One must understand the Jewish culture and Biblical requirements to fully understand the harsh words of truth Jesus was speaking that included a natural meaning as well as spiritual meaning. When we fully understand the words of Jesus in context we will understand how political correctness is used to shame and silence Christians that follow the example of Christ by speaking the clear truth about false teaching, false teachers, and a false gospel.

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