Brannon Howse: September 15, 2016

Topic: News reports state that General Colin Powell attended The Bohemian Grove this past July in California. What is the Bohemian Grove? What is the sacrifice of Care? Vanity Fair and the Washington Post have covered this event that most so-called conservative talk show hosts will not even let callers discuss. How is the Bohemian Grove really the old Burning Man, and a New Age, Pagan gathering of some of the most wealthy corporate Titans and most powerful politicians? Topic: One religious right leader declared on video and radio a few years ago that Russian President Vladimir Putin was the lion of Christianity. Maybe one reason the religious right keep losing is because they do not recognize a phony and an enemy of the gospel and Christianity while they strain at gnats like who is not saying Merry Christmas. Hear how new laws in Russia are limiting religious liberty and cracking down on Christians that preach the gospel in Russia. Topic: European leaders discuss fast tracking the plan for a European Army. Topic: We take your calls. 

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