Brannon Howse: September 16, 2015

Agenda 21 is now called Agenda 2030 and is also known as sustainable development which really had its genesis in Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler. Today we see big government and big business merging just as it did under the corporate fascism of Adolf Hitler. The Vatican worked closely with Hitler and history records the Vatican was heavily involved in moving Nazi criminals out of Germany into South America through the rat lines. Today the Vatican is pushing for its own global empire and backing sustainable development which is the framework for global governance. A false church in Germany embraced Hitler and today a global false church is embracing many of the same ideas and philosophies that built the Third Reich. Today Brannon reveals history that many Americans have not be taught. Were you aware of the historical reports and even picture of Henry Ford of Ford Motor Company receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle from Nazi officials? Are you aware of the antisemitism of Henry Ford and what his company did with its production plants in Nazi Germany? What about IBM and its work in Nazi Germany? The point of this program is that many so-called Christians, large corporations, and politicians went along with Adolf Hitler and again many people may be shocked at the so-called Christians, large corporations, and politicians that will go along with another coming Religious Reich. Topic: We take your calls.

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