Brannon Howse: September 17, 2015

Topic: So how did the Nazis identify and track the Jews of Nazi Germany prior to computers? How did the trains run on time with such precision that many walked from railroad cattle cars right into the gas chamber? Author Edwin Black writes in a New York Times article and book that details how the IBM punch card and card sorting system was used by the Third Reich. Hear the incredible details that will make your blood boil and make you question what the American government knew, when did they know it and why did they seem to do nothing to stop it. Edwin Black reports that it was after going to the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C., with his Jewish parents that barley escaped the holocaust, where he saw an IBM Hollerith D-11 card sorting machine that had an IBM nameplate on the front of the machine. Topic: You will also hear how the American FBI and CIA brought well over 1,000 Nazis to America and paid them and protected them from prosecution even though some of them were known to have been war criminals. One such man, according to author Eric Lichtblau author of Nazis Next Door, was Otto von Bolschwing, mentored by Adolf Eichmann, architect of the “Final Solution who it is also reported wrote on how to terrorize Jews. As yesterday, the point of this program is to reveal the sinful hearts of men and that as the foundation is laid for a global religious reich, you may be shocked at the horrors and evil in which many religious, political, corporate, and government leaders and their agents will take part. In our next program we will look at more documented history of the Nazis that were brought to America as well as other American companies that researchers claimed profited from the government of the Third Reich.

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